Presentations and Program of the BEE RES Conference
All Sessions and speeches are held at the Spyros Arsenis Hall (Big Amphitheater).
The languages of the Conference are English and Greek (Translation Services are available)
Sunday, 01 June 2014
14:00 – 21:00 Registration
19:00 – 21:00 Standing dinner
Monday, 02 June 2014
09:30 – 11:30 – Session1: Buildings CO2 Footprint Estimation
(Chair: Prof. Stelios Maropoulos)
1–Dept. of Energy Technology Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Agiou Spyridonos Str, Aigaleo, GR 12210, Athens, Greece.
2-Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development, National Observatory of Athens, I. Metaxa & Vas. Pavlou, P. Penteli, GR 15236 Athens, Greece.
School of Architectural Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece.
3) “Results from Preliminary Energy Audit in the Faculty of Technical Sciences – Bitola”, Vladimir Mijakovski*, T. Geramitcioski, V. Mitrevski, G. Trombev, R. Ristevski,
Faculty of Technical Sciences – Bitola, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bitola, MK 7000, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
4) “Blower door test – Measurement protocol”, V. Mitrevski, T. Geramitcioski, G. Trombev, V. Mijakovski, I. Andreevski,
Faculty of Technical Sciences – Bitola, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bitola, MK 7000, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
1–School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.
2-Dept of Electrical Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of West Macedonia, Kozani, Greece
1 – Dept of Electrical Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of West Macedonia, Kozani, Greece
2 – ARCHAM Association, Bitola, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
3 – Resen Municipality, , The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
4 – Prespes Municipality, Greece.
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 – 12:30 Welcome speeches
12:30 – 13:10 Modern Issues on Renewable Energy Sources
13:10 – 14:10 Standing Lunch
14:10 – 15:30 Speeches by the Invited Speakers
“The residence in Ancient Greece”, Dr-Archaelogist. Mrs Georgia Karamitrou-Mentessidi.
“The district heating grid of the Wider Region of Amyntaio”, Dipl-Ing Konstantinos Kyriakopoulos, Municipal District Heating Company of the Wider Region of Amyntaio (GREECE)
15:30 – 17:00 – Session2: Improvement of Buildings Energy Efficiency and Buildings Management Systems Application
(Chair: Assistant Professor George Christoforidis)
1–Information Technologies Institute, Centre of Research & Technology – Hellas (I.T.I.-CE.R.T.H.)
Thessaloniki, Greece
2-Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace,Xanthi, Greece
1–Information Technologies Institute, Centre of Research & Technology – Hellas (I.T.I.-CE.R.T.H.)
Thessaloniki, Greece
2-Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace,Xanthi, Greece
School of Architectural Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece.
4) “Energy Management System and Substitution of Fuels and Energy Sources in Public Buildings”, I. Andreevski, G. Trombev, V. Mitrevski, V. Mijakovski, T. Geramitoski,
Faculty of Technical Sciences – Bitola, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bitola, MK 7000, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
17:00 – 17:30 Coffee Break
17:30 – 19:00 Title: Application of Renewable Energy Sources in Buildings
Round Table
Hellenic Association of Electrical & Mechanical Engineers- West Macedonia Division & Technical Chamber of Greece-West Macedonia Division (TEE/TDM)
Tuesday, 03 June 2014
09:30 – 11:00 – Session3: Renewable Energy Sources 1
(Chair: Lecturer Adamos Stimoniaris)
1) “DG and EV Penetrations for Future’s Smart Network in Turkey”, Sitki GUNER [1], Aydogan Ozdemir [2].
1–Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Istanbul Arel University, Istanbul, Turkey.
2-Department of Electrical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Department of Electronic Engineering, School of Applied Sciences – ΤΕΙ of Crete, Halepa Chania, Greece.
3) “Adaptive Control for Sun Tracking Devices”, A. Tsiakalos, T. Kottas.
Dept of Electrical Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of West Macedonia, Kozani, Greece
4) “Implementation the tasks of the Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC in EU Members and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as a country-candidate”, T. Geramitoski, G. Trombev, V. Mitrevski, V. Mijakovski, I. Andreevski.
Faculty of Technical Sciences – Bitola, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bitola, MK 7000, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
1– Lab. of Atmospheric Pollution & Environmental Physics, Dept. of Geotechnology and Environmental Engineering, Technological Educational Inst. of Western Macedonia, Kozani, Greece.
2– Dept of Electrical Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of West Macedonia, Kozani, Greece
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 – 14:00 Speeches by the Invited Speakers
14:00 – 15:00 Standing lunch
15:00 – 16:30 Session4: Renewable Energy Sources 2
(Chair: Prof. Paraskevi Mitliagka)
1) “Comparative analysis of selection suitable feedstock for biodiesel production in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, M.Sc.Katica Belcheska Arizankoska.
ARHAM-Bitola, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Dept of Electrical Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of West Macedonia, Kozani, Greece.
1-Dept of Electrical Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of West Macedonia, Kozani, Greece
2-School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
1-Dept of Electrical Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of West Macedonia, Kozani, Greece
2-School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
16:30 – 17:00 Coffee break
17:00 – 18:30 Title: Renewable Energy Sources based on Waste Management (Biomass-Biogas)
Round Table
Chair of Bioprocess Engineering –TU-Berlin
20:00 Closing Dinner
Wednesday, 04 June 2014
Technical visit to Prespes
(In cooperation with GREEN-BOAT project – Solar boats)
10:00-14:00 – at the small Amphitheater:
1) KNX tutorial: Vasileios Lourdas – KNX Association, Brussels
3) Operation and optimization of biogas plants: Case study of a biogas plant in Greece, Ms Anja Lemoine, Chair of Bioprocess Engineering, TU-Berlin. (On-going project)